Will the rulers in Honduras not realise that it is preferable to build schools and invest in education rather than invest in weapons and build jails?

Casa Alianza Honduras reports :
It is painful and sad to read in the media that Honduran children prefer to attend, every day, a school across the border in another country rather than the precarious and dangerous conditions in schools offered by the government in Honduras. Little money is spent on education or schools yet money is spent on the purchase of warships and the construction of new prisons.
Casa Alianza de Honduras devotes this report to the memory of Professor Mario Alberto
Morazán, who was assassinated outside the Technical Institute of Honduras where he served as
professor of chemistry and student counsellor.
Our solidarity and thoughts are with the suffering family and we appeal for the cessation of violence in the Educational centres of the country.
The Observatory for the Rights of Children and Young People in Honduras is compiled by Casa Alianza Honduras every month. This month the report is written with the aim of keeping alive the collective conscience on the debt that the State has with the childhood and youth, to comply with their Human Rights in all aspects including the right to an education.
The report covers:
- Monthly analysis of the rights of children and young people in Honduras
- Monthly analysis of arbitrary executions and / or violent deaths of children and young people in Honduras, statistical data, figures and tables
- Good practices for the protection of the rights of children and young people in Honduras
Casa Alianza Honduras is a non-governmental organization working for the past thirty years for the care and protection of children and young people living in serious situations, at risk, on the street, subject to violence, trafficking and abuse in Honduras.
Within the framework of the activities of the organization, the Observatory for the Rights of
Children and Young People in Honduras, works with the purpose of making a reality the rights of childhood and to promote research and the study of these from a specific human right. Casa Alianza, through the observatory, carries out a permanent task of verification and analysis of rights based on what is established in the fundamental laws of the State of Honduras and in international conventions on the rights of children and young people; at the same time develops a periodic record of arbitrary executions and / or violent deaths perpetrated against children under 23 years.
In addition, a continuous work of advocacy is carried out before the government authorities and they participate in the elaboration of proposals of public policies, oriented to improve the conditions of respect for the fundamental rights of the child and youth population.
The observatory develops two types of reports:
? Monthly Reports: The purpose of these reports is to make a monthly monitoring situation of children and young people in the country, starting with the record of executions arbitrary and / or violent deaths of children aged 0 to 17 and young people aged 18 to 23 years. These reports contribute to promoting those actions that have to do with good practices in the protection of children and young people, developed both by the civil society organizations and the government sector.
? Special Reports: Their purpose is to thoroughly investigate those realities detected as being of special gravity or danger to children and young people, for which the Observatory staff travel to the regions, collects information with different agencies and people involved and in special cases, provides the accompaniment to the children and young people of these areas through the institutional multidisciplinary team of professionals: psychologists, lawyers, educators, among others. Through the reports, specific situations concerning the infant-juvenile population: juvenile penal system, education and migration, among others