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Library appeal 2024 – “For the love of books ” – Casa Alianza mexico

Casa Alianza Mexico – appeal to raise funds to create a library for the children.

Back in 2023 Compass Children’s Charity provided the funds to start a new project called “Wings for reading”

This was set up to provide the children with books to encourage their reading for pleasure and enjoyment. Both as a means of learning & growing but also for relaxation and de stressing.

We also provided books required for schoolwork a vital tool in developing a culture of improving your life via education & expanding horizons through reading .

Our children have been deprived of so much in their lives and we want to give them as many opportunities to learn and grow as we can to ensure a better future.

Whilst the reading circle started in conjunction with the above project has been a huge success, we now need to raise funds to convert a spare room at the residence into a “proper” library with places to relax and study.

Currently all of the books are stored in cardboard boxes in a cupboard making it hard for children to browse and make choices.

We need to purchase more books and but bookcases so all of the books can be displayed for borrowing.

Can you help ?

Our appeal is for :

• 200 new books
• Bookcases to display the books
• Furniture for the library – comfy chairs, several desks and chairs for independent study areas

We need to raise £2,088.00 to complete the project

You can make your donation here




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